Revisiting Q2 Weapons Factory Class Models
Quake 2 has clear unique sci-fi roots from back in the late 90's. Looking at the old class models for Q2 Weapons Factory, the developers didn't have much to work with in terms of model definition. You had 3 characters types to choose from where they each have a unique silhouette and both under 600 triangles.

Going beyond differences for more player classes had to be complete reskins in the texture. This was accepted back in the day and the original developers of Q2WF did a fantastic job, but I am fortunately not stuck with this restriction because WFR is not a Quake 2 MOD.
A modern take on sci-fi class outfit designs
I want to ensure WFR can provide a future where outfit customization could be possible. With that said, my first step is to reimagine what the original class gender outfits would translate to with a more modern sci-fi take without the complete silhouette restrictions. This also means giving each class a fresh look that a younger audience could possibly relate too. Separately, I also want to ensure WFR provides the option for more diversity of skin color and body shape within the character customization screens in future releases.
Finding a Character Concept Artist
For about 1 month, I went through 2 different character artists that just could not translate what would make sense on a 3d sci-fi character class based on what the original 3d models looked like. Shortly after, I decided to start looking for a concept artist that specialized in sci-fi designs first. After a couple weeks of concept art investments, I finally found an artist late September that gave me a great first concept of the Marine. While they definitely had some room to grow.. I knew this was the one to continue working with for the rest of the class outfit reimaginations.
Reimagining Q2WF Player Classes
I looked for an artist that could maintain similarities of the original class outfit design that I thought were key features to identify which class you see from a distance in game. It was less about the face behind the class and more about the clear visibility of the outfit. My goal was for these concepts to provide a much greater reference to what the expectation is in terms of the outfit design of each class when being created for a game environment by a 3D Character Artist. I believe each of these will do just that.
10 Class Reimaginations from Q2WF to WFR
Note: The Q2 symbol means the model is the reference used from Q2WF. All WFR concepts are subject to change for the in game 3d model.
Marine, Sniper and Gunner
This will be the first set of 3 classes to release in WFR. They were chosen to be able to provide fair grounds between offensive and the defensive tactics, while the Sniper can play the in-between of either for a fun time on a selection of maps.

Engineer, Cyborg and Nurse
These set of 3 classes were selected for the first WFR update to multiply defensive mechanics and offensive strikes in a balanced manner, along with the addition of the Nurse which will provide some unique healing or infectious flavor on the battlefield.

Spy, Arsonist, and Recon
The next set of 3 classes will be added to provide more diverse types of gameplay across the board that can assist either defensive or offensive teams, or simply cause chaos all on your own to skew the battlefield to your teams advantage.

The last class to meet the authenticity of Q2WF, which Q3 WFA had for some reason decided to remove. This class added to the team can often provide that extra bit of icing on the cake to support defensive or offensive tactics in more interesting ways than other classes can.

While I am not 100% attached to the classes in each group to release in this order, each class were carefully selected according to the gameplay tactics that the classes have to offer for players and seems like the most ideal. Perhaps I'll ping Gregg or Tom Reno about their thoughts on the matter.
What's Next in Weapons Factory Roblox?
In regards to player character classes, I have found a 3D Character Artist to bring the Marine class to life in game. I hope to have this model rigged and skinned on a Roblox Boy rig by the end of the year 2023.
Class Specifications
Seasoned Q2WF players will know each class use case and specifications, however I realize new players won't really understand the balance of gameplay that each class brings to the table. As each class character develops into something more tangible, I'll update the home page to include a classes page that can go more in depth about each class specification and their use cases or specializations. Likely starting with a blog.